I have been having such a great time with my papercraft designs that I had taken a break on other projects such as my graphics for a possible GameMaker game. What exactly this game could be has yet to be determined but as an exercise in “pixellating” a real-life location, I am beginning to see some real success.
Hallway, Studio, Bathroom Outlines Complete
Very excited to see continued progress on this project. I promise colour and details will follow but I must first outline the kitchen and the bedroom. I force myself to stay at this limited level of detail in order to remain flexible in the overall design. Also, it has been said, that you can't help but get better as you practice your pixelwork. By the time I have completed outlining, I am hoping I will have gained enough skill to fill in the gaps.
My 8-Bit Future
NES 8-bit game design has always been on the bucket list. I am hoping NESmaker will be the key to giving it a go. Getting familiar with a different graphics mode is always exciting to me, and the opportunity to tell a meaningful story with an old Nintendo makes the whole prospect that much more attractive.
My Home Circa 1990
I grew up with a Commodore. One of my favorite things to do was draw pictures of my house using the PETSCII characters on the keyboard. Back in the day there was no way to easily save this drawings so the image above is a modern take using the very cool PLAYSCII editor.
Sharp MZ-700 Super Mario Bros Mockup
I grew up making PETSCII illustrations on my C64 so I had to try my hand at some SHARPSCII.
BC's Quest for Tires - Arduboy Mock-up
BC's Quest for Tires is another favorite I can enjoy on the Commodore 64, Colecovision, and the Atari 8-bit. I am really happy with how my Arduboy mock-up turned out.
Jumpman Arduboy Mock-up
I recently got an Arduboy and I think it's a pretty fantastic little device. Inspired by the very low resolution display (128px x 64px) I decided to do a few mock-ups. My Jumpman port looks doable if only to punish the gamer's eyes. I LOVED Jumpman on the C64, Atari 8-bit, and Colecovison.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 31 - FINAL
It was a lot of had work but I have finally completed the Retro Challenger for 2016. It was a fun experience as always. Perhaps one day I will team up with a programmer and Super Mario will find another home on the Commodore.
But that'll be for another Challenge. Thanks a million for all the support!
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 29
Thought I was finished? So did I, well almost. The SMB3 experience would not be complete without the Battle Game which is a shout out to the original Mario Bros. game.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 27
I felt Canadian's in the 80's were quick to abandon old computer tech in favour of game consoles and eventually PCs. I was playing with my Commodore 64 for years after it had fallen out of favor. The 16-bit computer era practically passed us by. There is a lot of beauty wrapped up in limitation so I believe I will continue to appreciate what 8-bit and 16-bit system do.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 25
I remember playing Super Mario Bros 3 for the first time. I rented it from out Canadian Tire (CT rented out games in our small town). I remember it like it was yesterday. My younger sister and I sat in front of our television and were transfixed as we played through the whole experience. I always had similar times with the Commodore so it only seems fitting to pay tribute to two of my favourite systems.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 23
Mario reaches the final bonus stage before reaching the castle.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 21
The leaf is green on the map screen and in the Mushroom Houses but red in the game. I wonder why this is?
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 19
The NES uses 2x2 tiles (16x16px) to define its world whereas my Commodore version uses 3x2 tiles (12x16px). This can make certain objects, like the rotating hammer especially challenging and interesting to translate.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 17
Mario takes a break from stomping Goombas to play a card game with Toad.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 14
World 1-6 represents the final numbered level in the Grass Lands. Do you remember all the other areas hidden in World 1? Stay tuned for the answer!
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 12
Mario goes spelunking, takes a dip, and flies into coin-filled clouds in World 1-5.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 10
It is nice to see a change of palette as Mario braves this fire-filled fortress.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 9
While I don't know if the Commodore can move this many pixels at once, the demoscene knows.
Retro Challenge 2016/10 - Day 8
Mario has discovered another Mushroom House, this one more secret than last.