I love cats, so every few months I try to think of a project for them. I have designed a couple of different play structures and a cat bed so far. Today, I introduce Cat Pods, made from 4mm thick paperboard in a variety of different colourways.
Learning 3D is helping me to design objects that would have been practically impossible to illustrate or fully conceive using only 2D tools. Building out the cross-sections that make up the shape of this pod enclosure involved several back and forths between my 2D and 3D tools.
Optional cat ears can be added for charm.
The shelter keeps your kitty safe from attackers.
Plenty of room at the front of the pod for an easy escape.
One of the benefits to building the pod out of heavy paperboard is how much stronger the pod is compared to a regular cardboard box. The pod maintains much of the smell and feel of a cardboard box while being more secure. If your cat is a loafer than this pod might be exactly what they need. While keeping you cat secure, the entrance to the pod is still large enough so an escape path is available if another kitty decides it is their turn to get in.
Another benefit to paperboard is the number of colours that can used to give the pods some exceptional flair. Below please consider the Allsorts and Goochee variants.
Get psychedelic with the Allsorts colourway.
Extra comfy kitty in the Goochee colourway.
The top of the pods can be removed if the pod needs cleaning or you kitty doesn’t like to be so snug. Other top shapes and complimentary colours could be developed to further increase the look and flexibility of these units.
Top of the pod can be removed for easy cleaning and variety.
If you have a cat, do you think they would use and enjoy a Cat Pod? What colours would you like to see next? Any other ideas as to how I might enhance this design? I am always exploring designs and will eventually return to older ones when I have new skills or information to consider.
Thanks for joining me and feel free to leave a comment below!